
about zion

My name is Alisha, i’m a 17 year old, Australian based, christian artist. Growing up, i was always ‘the kid who could draw’. A creative and passionate homeschooled girl, and my parents nurtured my love for art. When I was 16, I finished school and completed a year of visual arts, cert IV. I always prayed, “Lord, use me and my work to glorify you,’ but i never knew how exactly. Now I do. Opportunity for me to create my first christian clothing was opened, through my church, where i first designed the very popular ‘Jesus is King’ hoodie. We sold out of our first stock at church, and I got so much interest after sharing on my social media, that i decided to do an online stock. I set up my website, and the rest is history. That is how Zion was born. 

I love our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. ‘Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.’ (Psalm 34:3) Wearing Zion is to bring glory and praise to His name. I pray over every conversation and opportunity that arises from wearing our apparel, and I trust that He will use us to bring others to His throne. 

‘..let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.’ so go forth, wear ZION boldly, and make disciples of all nations. May you glorify his name through not only your clothing, but by your heart being a holy place.

God bless you,

Alisha xx

what does zion stand for?